Straight up & Dirty

Monday, September 04, 2006

Fitness gurus

You know how fitness gurus claim that the more active you are the more energy you'll have. Well, I'm a skeptic, but this morning it did make sense. I awoke early because of the light and the noise and because I was in bed by 11. I puttered and then decided that because the sun was peeking out it wa time for a bike ride. I can honestly count on one hand the number of bike rides I've gone on in my life. Got the helmut on after sitting in my robe, lululemon pants, socks and runners for a good hour, filled the tires with air (only in Toronto does one pay 50 cents for a blast of air) and off I went. West on Dupont onto Bloor to South Kingsway and two laps through High Park on my way back.
The first task I'm conquering is the hemming of the drapes. They're long, look sloppy and I've got all the gear. An iron, the hem webbing, a damp cloth and scissors. I've got to figure out a way to hem them while they're still hanging. You know, cutting corners.
A loaf pan! I use the loaf pan as a buffer between the steaming hot iron and my leg and press firmly for 15-20 seconds, or just until the pan starts to heat my thigh. I AM resourceful. I AM fit. I actually do have energy. Tell me that the man who marries me is a lucky man!
While contemplating the bike ride, I, of course, was online dating. I came across a guy named Porsche Star. Actually, he came across me. IM'ed me and very quickly got to the point the this was a day for cuddling and renting a movie in his condo. Whoah. Simmer down buddy. I told him I was en route to my fit lifestyle and I'd have to take a raincheque for his cuddling.
Back to the hem ironing and art hanging.
Oh, by the way. I did give the porschestar my number.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

That can't possibly be his real name - it sounds like a porno name!!!
I'm really proud of you girl! Bike ride and home repairs on the day!
Exercise = Extra Energy!!!

3:22 PM  

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