Straight up & Dirty

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

I am SO frustrated!

Tonight, I lost my temper. It's still lost. So the bed slats finally arrived and I raced home to meet the guy here. They were packaged ever so nicely in the box and I was so anxious to open them and ensure that they are in fact like the originals. They are exactly the originals, so I took out the drill, bolts, every allen key that I own. I dismantled the ghetto bed slats that I've been sleeping on for the past 3 months and I began the process. I have one beam and all the slats with the original bolts and I CANNOT FOR THE LIFE OF ME figure it out. I would like to launch myself out of the second floor window, I am so frustrated. I cannot seem to bolt the beam down so that the slats can fit on top of the beam and then be bolted together. I am taking a 10 minute break, but it appears as though I'll be sleeping on the air mattress tonight. Luckily, I'm taking a mental health day tomorrow, which evidently I needed more than I thought. If there are any handymen in the GTA, I'm hiring!


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