'tis the season for report cards
fa la la la la it sucks so bad. I would rather drink my urine, fa la la la la I hate this crap! Only teachers who write report cards feel my pain and only teachers who work at my school feel my misery. Aside from the fact that the "procedures for completion" have been changed 5 times, the program is primitive and slow and the categories that I'm grading these students on are ridiculous. Those are my two cents, and as I told my vp today, "you didn't ask for my opinion, but I gave it to you anyway, as I know you're never going to ask for feedback."
Last night I took out my frustration in the form of Greek salad and rec hockey. I got into a slight shoving match and used my vernacular like a champ. We lost terribly, but I burned off steam.
Speaking of steam, I am close to chucking this laptop, my router and my modem out the window. I KEEP losing my connection to the Internet. It's the router, I'm pretty sure. Any recommendations? You know how much I depend on my MAC daddy. Maybe I'll spend the rest of my evening on the phone with Rogers, I can't do the report cards, they're web-based.
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