Straight up & Dirty

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Eating like a vegan

So the cabbage soup diet has been strictly adhered to. It's been 2 full days. The soup is surprisingly delicious but it's getting pretty boring. Supplementing with fruits and vegetables isn't particularly fun either, but it's now become a personal challenge the week. I went through every single vegetable and fruit that I've bought. Tonight, I get to have a baked potato. I thought about that potato all afternoon. Pathetic!

The only good thing about eating soup now is that there's no heat in the loft. It's 60 degrees Fahrenheit in here, which is 14 degrees Celsius for those readers on the metric system. The soup keeps me warm, but I feel like I need to wear gloves, while I type.

I've been on the laptop for the majority of the last 24 hours; searching, booking, emailing, online dating and playing on I am going to head to the Peg for my bro's social (read: hoe-down), and mom and I booked a quick trip to New Orleans and a 4 night cruise during February.

In terms of men on the go, I have the matchmaker circulating photos of me, Moises from Puerto Rico, and Marshall from Toronto who appears to be the male version of me. I'm not being too aggressive, just taking it in stride.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I was watching this cooking show in the US called Hungry Girl (I think she has a website) and she made a very interesting snack, which I have yet to try but am curious about: take some kale, spray them with a bit of olive oil and bake them. Voila: chips made out of cabbage-like greens.

10:29 AM  

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