Straight up & Dirty

Monday, September 11, 2006

Oh, the down side to life!

So, I got a letter today form the property management company saying that my condo fees would be increased as of October 1, 2006 to $433.00. In case you didn't know what I paid before (ie. for 1 month, it was $309.00) That's an increase of 29%. I'm sick, feel stupid and ripped off. I told both my lawyer and my agent that it was my number one fear. Blah blah. New building. Whatever.
I also realize that the air conditioner isn't working properly and my dishwasher door is broken. The joys.
In other news, I do have a date with a boy who was handed my number by my co-worker on Wednesday. At least he didn't get it from a bathroom stall.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Naomi!! This is Unc... I am sorry to read about all the trials and tribulations that you are going through since you moved into your New Home.....
Life isn't easy. And this kind of stuff goes on all the time. Why your dishwasher door is broken, heaven only knows but, it is broken, so fix it. See...that was an easy decision. So your new furniture will arrive soon and it will start looking like a home which of course is what it is.
I am sure Aaron and his friend will be wowed by your place now that the drapes are perfectly hemmed and basted which you learned how to do in Home Ec. What a wonderful homemaker you will be!
On a more serious side of life, murders and shootings excluded, I have looked at other condos in Toronto and I find them totally outrageous so in fact your even with the increased amount of condo fee is still not that bad. It is just that and extra $100 takes a big chunk of "disposable" income that could be better spent on a good bottle of wine and a large Greek salad.
To end this, I'll just let you know that the first month or two will have all kinds of these little life style events.... These will all pass and the sun will shine.

5:15 PM  

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