Straight up & Dirty

Monday, January 29, 2007

I love being a tough broad!

Just got home from hockey and I played a great game. I didn't score or even get so much as an assist, but I have gotten the title of "Team goon". Number 29 on the other team said, "I know you're a girl, but can you please watch the shoving." I responded with, "c'mon buddy, get into the game." Maybe he was annoyed at me that I beat him in every faceoff. Loser.
I now have my entire team scoping out eligible bachelors. There were also a few post game cervezas in which the men confessed that they know many eligible women, but no men. That confirms the fact that there are 17% more women than men in Toronto. Just what I needed to hear!
It's a busy week ahead of planning, prepping and getting ready for a party weekend. You know you're someone who works for the weekend when, on Monday night, you're planning for the weekend.


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